Brand Guide

City of Toledo

This brand guide is designed to be a tool – a set of standards for creating and maintaining consistency across all facets of the City of Toledo brand. It provides a foundation and specifications for the City of Toledo brand to maintain its integrity. Every brand application, small or large, is important to the bigger picture. Consistency is key.


An accessible website considers the audience and prioritizes the user's needs.

Accessible design empowers users of all abilities to successfully navigate, understand, and experience a brand. Using data-driven decisions, each aspect of the City of Toledo brand is developed with ethical and legal guidelines for accessibility and inclusivity in mind. It is imperative to uphold and adhere to these guidelines, as well as continue to evolve and grow the specifications as needed.

A Strong Brand

A brand connects who you are to what you do and why it matters.

A brand is both the feeling people have about you and a collection of the interactions you have with your audience. Because a brand is much more than a logo, it's important that the brand's visual and language elements uphold the values of the City of Toledo, while also creating a consistent experience across every brand application.


If you're not sure on something or need additional materials, please contact the City of Toledo Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Department.